
Βλέπετε μια παλαιότερη έκδοση της σελίδας!

Βλέπε Νόμο 12Γ3.


A. It is an offence to:

1. Seek to obtain via illicit means information about the board currently in play; or about boards designated for later play.

2. Use illicit information about the board currently in play; or about boards designated for later play.

3. Convey, or attempt to convey, via prohibited means information to partner about a board currently in play.

4. Convey, or attempt to convey, to other players information about boards designated for later play.

B. A player who violates A above shall be subject to the sanctions relating to reprehensible conduct, as specified by the relevant disciplinary code.1)

C. Statistical or probabilistic analysis may be used to establish or support a charge that a contestant has utilized prohibited methods of communication.

D. Any of the following may be considered grounds for a determination of wrongdoing; irrespective of the actual outcome on the boards in question or the subsequent actions (or lack thereof) by partner:

1. The existence of a statistically significant correlation between a player’s manner or behaviour and the cards held by that player.

2. The existence of a statistically significant correlation between a player’s anomalous choice of action and the cards held by either their partner or an opponent.

3. The possession of information illicitly obtained that relates to unplayed boards or unpublished results.

A Regulating Authority may also consider evidence arising from events played outside of its jurisdiction, including disciplinary actions taken by another Regulating Authority.
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  • law_89.1702387286.txt.gz
  • Τελευταία τροποποίηση: 2023/12/12 13:21
  • από pournaras